Why Should You Enlarge People? As a Leader You Should Help Them See Their Weak Points..

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This post covers the sixth tenet in John Maxwell’s book – enlarging other people.


For many people, just because you want to enlarge others does not mean you are ready.  You might have to do some work on yourself first.  As Mr. Maxwell says in Becoming a Person of Influence, “..if you want to do more for others, you have to become more yourself.”

This is because while you can teach what you know to others, you can only reproduce what you are.  When you mentor others, you do 4 things for them:

  1. Enlarging people
  2. Helping them navigate through life’s problems
  3. Connecting with them on a deeper level
  4. Helping them reach their greatest potential

It is important to help people see what their weak points and strong points are, of course, so you can help them grow.   When you assist someone in enlarging themselves, you benefit them by enabling them to step up to a new level of living.  And that’s really accomplishing something. I know that here in North Dakota I see many people who will not “grow themselves” and yet they sit on the bar stool complaining about their lives.  (Geesh)

communication-hopeAs Denis Waitley said, “The greatest achievements are those which benefit others.”    It is quite rewarding in and of itself.  You should try it!



Seize the opportunity.

When you enlarge somebody, you do this for them:

  • Increase Their Chances for Success (i.e. when you broaden their horizon, they begin to see things in a new way.  They increase their skills, improve their attitudes, learn new ways to do things etc.
  • Increase Their Potential for Growth – It will have more than just a slight effect.  That is, when you equip these people for success by enlarging them, they become better able to seize on an opportunity or fully utilize a resource or tool you provide to them
  • Are Permanently Altered for the Future – When you have an impact on someone’s life, their are forever impacted.  Their horizons broaden.  As you help them develop their talents, their

    quality of life


So in essence, your

leadership talents

(or abilities) have a direct impact on how much you’re able to influence other people.  That is why I say you may want to do some work on yourself first before you set about to lead and influence others.
Be a Patient Leader Yet not Too Patient:

You should choose very wisely the people you want to enlarge.  You don’t want to waste time on those you don’t genuinely believe in.  They probably ought to have a life philosophy similar to yours.  Also, you should start when the time is right; that is, the situation must be right.

If you start before the individual realizes he needs to grow, then it is a waste of your time & theirs.  Begin too late, and you’ve missed your best chance to help them.

Book by John Maxwell
John Maxwell’s Best Selling Becoming a Person of Influence

Realize some are eager to be enlarged, while others don’t care about personal growth.  It is your job to determine which is which.



2017  Selfimprovement.info-just-for-u.com/blogger

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