4 Tips to Stop Your Procrastinating Ways

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How to Stop Procrastinating and Impress Your Co-Workers

By Jan Ashby Today I have several posts which I have collected, in an effort to help you stop procrastinating.  You will appreciate this first blog post, which elaborates on where to put your Focus and how to eliminate confusion –  it’s a bit like I’m throwing you a life preserver !) Remember, you MUST take action and STOP treading water

Treading Water or How to Stop Procrastinating

Is this you?


Stop Procrastinating – 4 Tips to Help You Get Things Done 3/8/13  You don’t necessarily have to feel guilty because you’re putting off doing the ton of items you’d like to accomplish, and are not getting done. It may be there’s a reason you’re putting something off – such as the item is not as IMPORTANT as it initially was, and you have subconsciously dropped it to the bottom of the list..



I like this next post because it’s concise AND it makes good sense. Have a Look    3/21/13

4 simple tips to help you avoid procrastination.  You’ll find new ways to increase your productivity and stop procrastinating.



This next one helps you to anticipate roadblocks and challenges, fight through your personal resistance (which is causing you to procrastinate), and SEE the upside to accomplishing the daunting task before you. For one thing, once you persevere and accomplish the work task, your co-workers will likely develop a greater respect for you – and you’ll begin to be seen as a Team Player (if you weren’t before).

You’ll want to break the monster task into “doable steps” and visualize the parts to completing it. It’s a good idea to make some notes as to what you need to research and/or who you will need to talk to.  You can easily dictate your thoughts into a dictaphone, or smart pen.

Organize Your thoughts - Don't Procrastinate

Or put it in a Notepad . Also if you are having any negative or self-sabotaging thoughts, you’ll want to find a way to deal with those first – and get your destructive emotions dealt with before proceeding.

10 steps to stop procrastinating
| TechRepublic
www.techrepublic.com1/29/13   Almost everyone procrastinates (except the President). But when procrastinating starts to interfere with performance at work, it’s time to put a stop to it, get organized, and Get on with it .



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